A Magical Evening of Art With Anton Molnar  9 November 2022

A Magical Evening of Art With Anton Molnar 9 November 2022

Weaving luxurious fine arts into modern architectural

space, where elegance and finesse meets, conceiving

synchronous yet multi-sensorial experience for the


Mr David Low

Owner House of Art

In this invitation to travel we feel a real touch of poetry,

colours blend with flavours and with almoust

perceptable perfumes, we could nearly distinguish a

gentle complaine a melancholic song. Each work is a

new adventure, each one gives us different

athmospheres, the Artist creates his ”Ambiance”.

So it is int he middle of well-ordered disorder, of his

”Abstract Realism” that Anton Molnar present us his

travel notebook.

Linda Molnar


Exposition Reid's Palace Madeira 29 December - 8 January 2022

Exposition Reid's Palace Madeira 29 December - 8 January 2022


On the Road Again…

The title of a song, and also a painting in that Exhibition in Reid’s Palace…

My Grandfather had a friend, who suffered a lot in His Life by the political history and his personal problems. He stayed always Strait and Humble, and said :we have to start again Every Day! 

This message is always in the Actuality. We live in a Special Period, we can be Happy to start the Day with a Magic Breakfast at Reid’s Palace

Exposition Anton Molnar "Egyszerre Minden"  Budapest  Pesti Vigadò   2020 aug. 28 - szept.13  LIVE VIDEO VERNISSAGE 27  /08  17H !!!

Exposition Anton Molnar "Egyszerre Minden" Budapest Pesti Vigadò 2020 aug. 28 - szept.13 LIVE VIDEO VERNISSAGE 27 /08 17H !!!


"Anton Molnár hedonista művész. Nem úgy, mint a Satyriconból ismert Trimalchio, a vagyonában féktelenül tobzódó római újgazdag, hanem miként Krúdy hőse, Szindbád, az utazó. Nem duhaj habzsoló, hanem szemlélődő ínyenc. Az ízek, és illatok, a női szépség feltétlen csodálója, benyomások gyűjtője. Életképek, emlékek lenyomata kerül a vászonra. Saját élmények-e vagy inkább a nézők vágyai? Nem fontos. Utazunk korokon át, a középkortól a monarchia fürdővilágáig, a hatvanas évek gyermekjátékaitól a mai metropolisok villódzásáig. Utazunk tájról-tájra, a magyar pusztától New Yorkon át a Csendes-óceán szigetvilágába. Utazunk stílusok között, a reneszánsz és barokk pompájától Monet kertjéig, a pop art reklámvilágán keresztül a tasizmus fröcskölt, csurgatott technikáján át a külvárosi utcák folklórjáig. És végül mindig hazaérünk."


Kurátor, Műcsarnok - Kunsthalle


"Anton Molnár is a hedonistic artist. Not like Trimalchio from Satyricon, a Roman nouveau riche feasting on his wealth, but like Krúdy's hero, Sindbád, the traveler. Not an insatiable bacchanalian, but a contemplative gourmet. An unconditional admirer of flavors and aromas, and of female beauty, he is also a collector of impressions. Imprints of life and memories are gathered on the canvas. Are they personal experiences or do they reflect the desires of the viewer? It doesn't matter.  We are travelling through times, from the Middle Ages to the unique atmosphere of the monarchy's steam baths, from the iconic sixties childhood's toys to the flickering metropolis. We are travelling across landscapes, from the Hungarian Puszta steppes to New York all the way to peaceful ocean islands. We are travelling between styles, from Renaissance and Baroque splendor to Monet's garden, through the codes of pop art and the splashed, dripping technique of tachism to the folklore of suburban streets. And at the end, we always get home."



Curator, Műcsarnok - Kunsthalle

Hungarian Contemporary Art Exhibition Chongqing 2020.April.3. - 15.

Hungarian Contemporary Art Exhibition Chongqing 2020.April.3. - 15.

The Ninth Western China Hungarian Cultural Festival Spring of Budapest

From the works of 5 Hungarian Contemporary Artistes

Hope with Arts!!!

Exposition Reid's Palace Madeira " From Madeira With Love" 2019 dec.29 - Jan.10. 2020

Exposition Reid's Palace Madeira " From Madeira With Love" 2019 dec.29 - Jan.10. 2020

Anton Molnar 's "From Madeira with Love" is more than a series of new works, more than an inspiration : it is a proposal.

The artist captures a traditional Reid's moment, a wonderful one, well known by its travellers.

Then he "rewrites" this delightful souvenir. And through his love of painting, his love of this treasured scene, the experience is magnified.

The instant gets enhanced through the eye of the painter, the love of this unique atmosphere, but also the love of the artist for Art itself.

Welcome to this Madeira, translated through love of art.



From the very first signs of artistic expressions up to current cutting edge contemporary pieces, a specific element interlinks art over time: the story. Art tells a story, whether it is factual, mystical, educational, poetic or philosophic. A person (the artist) talks to others (viewers), his or her words are translated into brushstrokes and shades, so that the idea finds its physical form.

Thus each artist becomes the teller of their very own story, unique and personal.

Anton Molnár is inviting us into his. And it is characterised by a wide repertoire, both in terms of subjects and styles, offering us to travel through countries, times and ideas...




29.December 2017 - 14.January 2018

Avec le devoillage the grand mural painting( 600 x 250 cm)pour le Reid's Palace Madeira



« Fundamental diaries » presents a journey through Anton Molnar’s landmark themes and favourite concepts. The artist put together this very special collection, revisiting his key subjects, to give us a quintessential selection of his work.

These distinctive pieces bring us the very essence of the “Molnar style”, the artist’s personal view on life and art. Born in Hungary, the world and its cultures became a strong source of inspirations for him. His diary is filled up with moments, encounters and objects, all parts of his personal archive.

In this collection each portrait is a mirror revealing the personality of its models, showing us a very specific feature of this character. And each still life, could it be a wonderful breakfast or an ancient toy, offers an experience and acts like a witness of its time. Then another major facet of his work focuses on art as a concept and questions its limits.

Using Italian and Flemish Renaissance masters technics and looking at Pop art, Abstract Expressionism and Conceptual art, Anton Molnar creates a singular world, a personal “Art de vivre” he invites us to discover.

Exhibition Yang Gallery Beijing    "Year of The Rooster"  2017 feb.-march.

Exhibition Yang Gallery Beijing "Year of The Rooster" 2017 feb.-march.

Exhibition in Yang Gallery Beijing for the" Year of the Rooster"

2017 feb. - march.

Anton's big painting:" Rooster touche the Great Wall"(300x200 cm) is exposed a central red wall

in this gordius gallery.


Exposition Gallery House of Art's West Palm Beach,Jupiter Florida 2016 December 8

Exposition Gallery House of Art's West Palm Beach,Jupiter Florida 2016 December 8


2016 december 8 Jupiter Florida

EXPOSITION  SAN MARINO   Palazzo S.U.M.S. 19.septembre - 22.novembre 2015

EXPOSITION SAN MARINO Palazzo S.U.M.S. 19.septembre - 22.novembre 2015

A l'occasion de son exposition à San Marino Anton Molnar nous dévoile une collection puissante, tant au niveau des thèmes que de la palette. On retrouve les natures mortes minutieuses, véritables carnets de voyages aux ambiances uniques. Puis on découvre ses "moments", instants capturés au détour d'une rue, d'une foire, d'un trajet, pris sur le vif quelque part dans le monde...

Chinese Exhibition Tour 6 -29 of June 2015 Chongqing-Pékin-Shanghai

Chinese Exhibition Tour 6 -29 of June 2015 Chongqing-Pékin-Shanghai

Exhibition The Best of Revisited



Exhibition  Anton Molnar 20. Dec.2013 - 30. Jan. 2014  Gstaad Swiss  Adler Gallery

Exhibition Anton Molnar 20. Dec.2013 - 30. Jan. 2014 Gstaad Swiss Adler Gallery

A travers sa nouvelle collection, Anton Molnar nous dévoile un répertoire personnel et singulier. Ses toiles sont autant d' "histoires" de sa vie : témoignages variés d'une existence, ambiances captées en un instant. La lumière Cubaine fait écho aux chatoyantes patines abstraites, tandis que l'automobiliste mécanique croise le regard de vénérables aïeuls, tout peut arriver...

Anton Molnar Exposition Gefrodinspex Galéria Budapest  2013 mai 4. - 19.

Anton Molnar Exposition Gefrodinspex Galéria Budapest 2013 mai 4. - 19.

Vàci utca 70  11h-19h

Repéré sur le radar de nombreux collectionneurs internationaux, Anton Molnar, peintre hongrois basé à Paris, nous avait dévoilé une maitrise technique remarquable à travers ses portraits, natures mortes et odalisques.A l'occasion de sa nouvelle exposition à Budapest, il nous propose une toute nouvelle facette de son univers artistique.Le jeu.Mais pas n'importe quel jeu. Au fil de cette nouvelle collection les ambiances "Molnaresque" côtoient des bolides déjantés, acidulés, ironiquement séduisants. On note ce motard très concentré, qui occupe majestueusement le centre de la toile. Il est à la fois beau et dramatique car on peut aussi bien y voire la beauté simple d'un objet candide tout comme la condition même de l'homme solitaire du XXIeme siècle. Car au fond c'est le sujet central de l'oeuvre d'Anton Molnar: l'Homme. L'humanité dans son "génialisme" et parfois dans son absurdité se pose en fil conducteur de cette nouvelle collection surprenante d'audace.


Ujmüvészet 2013 aprilis

Ujmüvészet 2013 aprilis

 FIX TV | Fix Magazin - Anton Molnár

FIX TV | Fix Magazin - Anton Molnár

Interview d'Anton Molnàr par la télévison Hongroise quelques semaines avant le "Grand Opening" de sa nouvelle exposition à Budapest.

Exhibition Reid's Palace Madeira 29 Decembre 2021 - 8 January 2022

Exhibition Reid's Palace Madeira 29 Decembre 2021 - 8 January 2022

On the Road Again…

The title of a song, and also a painting in that Exhibition in Reid’s Palace…

My Grandfather had a friend, who suffered a lot in His Life by the political history and his personal problems. He stayed always Strait and Humble, and said :we have to start again Every Day! 

This message is always in the Actuality. We live in a Special Period, we can be Happy to start the Day with a Magic Breakfast at Reid’s Palace