Classical odalisque celebrates woman in all its splendor, resting silent and still in a delicate setting. In Anton Molnar’s pieces it the nudes “lives”. Surprised while discussing or in the middle of an activity, his figures are always in motion. The viewer is invited to contemplate such moment of privacy as through a keyhole.

Apple and Models 116 x 89 cm 2017

After the Spa (116x89 cm)

Atelier de sculpteur 120 x 120 cm

Danseuse de Bagnols 130x130

Dream with Hennessy 90 x 90 cm

Bathroom in Blue 130x130 2019

Frech Water 92x73

Petra 116x89

Fresque de Thoisy 92x73

Reveil de Petra 162x130

Kalapos Lany 100x100

Red Dream 100x100

Atlas universel 120x120

Fresco de l'amore 162x130

La motociclette, 130x130

Skin and Flower 130x130

Carnet de Plage 120x120

The Beach 162x130